Wednesday 20 November 2013

If not keeping up this blog were a sport, I'd win. I'd be like Tiger Woods. Clearly. In my defense I will say that we've been busy. Well, not exactly at the moment but very recently. In the last 2 months we've been to Switzerland, Austria, the Czech Republic, England, Scotland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and currently France. To be more exact we're holed up in a rented apartment in Hagunau which is a small-ish town just north of Strasbourg. It's the most settled down we've been in a long time. It's nice. We can plan multiple meals and go to the market with that in mind. We can not watch a movie because we know we can watch in tomorrow if we like. If one chose to, one could walk around the place in ones boxers....if that happened to be ones thing.

 Good lord, there is so much to talk about but the post can only be so long. Let's talk about the recording in Brno. After some difficulty with a sound check one night a random stranger came up to help with the mix. In broken English he said he was a professional. His name was George, and he for sure knew what he was talking about. He said he could only stay a short bit but ended up staying for the whole show. Oh, did I mention the gig was at a place called 7 Cockroaches? Or, that's what it translated to. George stayed all night and asked me to come by his place in the morning to record some songs. I agreed even though I had no idea what I was getting into. What I was getting into was an amazing studio and a session with who I can only assume is one of the best sound engineers in Europe. Even though I had a terrible cold at the time the session turned out beautifully and I'll direct you towards that soon. Hell, maybe now.(For a few days only there are 3 songs on Reverb Nation from the Brno Session) 

Brno, CZ

recording at George's studio

Oh, the shows in Austria with Chuck Lemonds were brilliant. Chuck also has a new record out called "The Rivers Call" and it would behoove you to check it out. With any luck I'll be able to report back before to long to talk about more shows with Chuck and a couple mystery guests. Stay tuned.

performing with Chuck Lemonds

the view from Am Berner (a fantastic venue surrounded by vineyards)

 England once again was amazing. The Square & Compass, Maverick Festival and Israel Nash Gripka, Colin and the crew at Grateful Fred's, and of course Scotland!...just too many tales to tell. We'll cover them in the coming posts but for now I hope these photos will do. There was an all too short trip to Ireland for a return to Ballymore Acoutic at Mick Murphy's. Damn I love that place. A humongous thanks to Roy Thompson!

another great night at the Square & Compass, Dorset

ahh Scotland. . . so much spectacular scenery!

 Let's skip ahead to Chagny, France. I will try to thank Fabrice enough but it just won't be possible. A million thanks to him. He took a huge risk, having really no idea who I was and having virtually no history in France, to promote the show at the Theatre de Copiaus and well, I think it turned out fabulously. He convinced me to not use the PA that night. He said "people have been singing in this theatre for 150 years without a microphone. Why start now?" He was totally right. An amazing night. A sold out show, 4 encores! Pretty much a huge success. He also had another traveler staying with him at the time. Janosh....great fellow. He's in Italy now working on a farm. Hope to see him soon. Thanks again Fabrice!
during the last encore in Chagny
 I'm going to cap it at that for now. I promise, I'll cover the bases and give you a total recall of all pertinent events. Likely more than you're really interested in but I'm going to do it. Oh good God, did I mention how much cheese, procuitto, butter, salami, bacon, and more cheese I've had in the last week. Oh France, how I love thee....but I can only take so much. Alright, be good and God speed. Over and out.

 Joshua J. Harty

BTW- Check out ALL the photos from the past couple months on Flickr!

Monday 11 November 2013

New Podcast Episode!

Well, apologies for not writing on the blog more. It's been a very busy month of driving up and down the entire length of the UK (twice, actually)! I promise to share some stories a bit later, but for now please enjoy this episode we recorded in Liverpool with our good friends Peter & Gabi of The Good Intentions. And check out more at! *PS- sorry for the less-than-stellar sound quality. . .recording in a living room is not the same as recording in a van

Monday 16 September 2013

Jurastrasse and raining.

Good god, the rain just doesn't stop for some damn reason. I mean really, I brought a sweet new velour sport coat that I can't wear if this keeps up.

Alright, at the time of writing I'm listening to this Dire Straits show live from Basel in '92. Check it out.

Just having an afternoon off and getting ready to hop an overnight train to Graz, Austria.

The tour so far has been great with 8 shows in 7 days. Started here in Basel and included Bern, Zurich, St Gallen and a few other great stops. Roger Waters found it necessary to book a gig the same night as mine at Bar Rossi in Zurich...I'm sure he won't do that again. I can only assume my show cost him at least 20 tickets. Tony owns the Bar Rossi though he doesn't manage it. We caught him on a strange night where he was there tending bar. Tony is Italian and he whipped up some pasta before the show. It was the best tomato cream sauce I've ever had, hands down. Tony then stood by the stage for most of the set and then personally carried a tip hat around. Tony is awesome.
Basel. . . our home-away-from-home this week

In Balgach we were introduced to a traditional Swiss game consisting of a big log, a hammer, and some nails. Hammerschlagen. This game is much like your typical Wisconsin yard game as it's best played along with a few beers. You set your 3 1/2 inch nail and then take turns with the narrow edge of a hammer, with one swing each round. The first person with the nail driven all the way in wins. Sounds easy right? Try it.
tough critics. . . in St. Gallen

Rico in St. Gallen sporting his homemade "Josh Harty" t-shirt (check out Rico's awesome handmade bags at!)

In St. Gallen I saw the most amazing hamburgers I've ever witnessed. Double and triple decker locally sourced meaty madness with lettuce, tomato, onion, bacon and of course real Swiss cheese. And let me tell you, the finished product on a plate at the table...looks exactly like the menu. All this for a mere 32 Swiss Francs. That's $34.52. Fries are and extra 9 Francs. Want a Coke? That'll be 7 Francs.
Later on in St. Gallen at the big annual market I saw more cheese, cured meat, wine and beer vendors all giving out samples that I could have ever imagined. Not just your typical fare but really, really great stuff. Prosciutto, ham, Brie....oh my. I asked a vendor for a beer sample and he gave me a half pint. I asked for one cheese sample and the guy gave me ALL the cheese samples. Then there was the hot Brie wheel where the woman literally poured the cheese onto a slice of bread. wow.
And, oh yeah, the show was great.

Well, this one may have been a bit more of a food blog but I couldn't help it. Oh wait, also the tunnels in this country are amazing. They're everywhere. It's like an entire country's worth of Big Dig. Amazing really.

Alright, night train to Graz. Be good. Take care.

Sunday 8 September 2013

In the beginning...There was a plane ride.

At moment I’m watching  How to Train Your Dragon, Breakfast At Tiffanys, Good Will Hunting and Star Trek all at the same time. There’s flight attendant bringing around water and another bringing around wine. I chose one of them. There’s a nearby line at the bathroom and the AC is on just a bit too much. It’s 10:30pm in my head and 4:30am where I’m about to end up.  It Delta flight 38 at 42,000 feet and I’ve 3 hours and 52 minutes until London.
                                              Stock Google photo for added perspective

I’m pretty sure I was a bit of a wreck the last few days…at least in my head. I felt I had too many loose ends to tie up, too many car reservations to make and the PIN number for my new bank card hadn’t come. Not to mention we’re on our way to Europe for 3 ½ months. Then in one fail swoop I figured out that the PIN number for the new card was the same as the old card and well hell, we’ve been on the road in the States for 9 months. Cake walk right! Did I mention that we’re sitting right by the bathroom and the line just never really goes away. Neither does the airplane bathroom fresh smell or the constant  swoosh just before the door lock slides to let you know the toilet is vacant again.
Oh that Audrey!
We’ll take a bus ride across London in a few hours and then there will undoubtedly be a controversy at the Easy Jet counter involving my guitar. It will likely involve numbers of bags and 20 kilograms will also come up. I fear it will be expensive and a primary reason why I’ll not visit that counter ever again.
                                            We’ll wish for the best.
In any case, we’ll then make our way to Basel, Switzerland to meet Kristina our Swiss agent. We’ll have a drink maybe, get the keys to her place and go there. Then, we will take a nap. 

Fast forward 31 hours. 

Holy hell that trip took damn near forever. I’ve now been up for 31 hours having spent just over 10 hours on an airplane, 8 hours in 3 various airports and about 3 hours in a car….most of which was spent driving aimlessly in circles looking for parking in Basel. 
                                                  You get the idea...

The first flight was fine as mentioned in the prior episode. Customs in London was a bit eerie because they expected me to be working there as the agent knew I’d done for the last couple of years. I assured him I’d be back in a few weeks and he smiled and said “see you then.”  Jess thought she’d get some snacks for the plane and picked up baby carrots and some H.M.D. To those of you who don’t know that would be Hummus of Mass Destruction. Who knew 5 ounces of unopened hummus was as dangerous to bring through security as a pipe bomb. Needless to say we lost the hummus.
Easy Jet was easy. They totally gave me one bag for free and let me walk my guitar up to the plane. They even carried it off themselves with someone’s own two hands. Then they let us walk out of the airplane and down the steps onto the runway just like the Beatles. Go Easy Jet!
Just like last year we ended up with a bigger diesel car due to a mix up. This year it’s a Peugot Megane 1.5 DCI. It has a Bluetooth Radio and navigation built in to the dash. Navigation was an extra charge on the first/wrong car. It reminded me of when Jess booked the hotel in Ireland on in front of the hotel, using their WiFi for less than they had quoted us at the desk.
Just now there was a German couple arguing on the street. I think a good heated argument, one which I'm not directly involved with, in a language I don’t understand is like a killer guitar solo. ….who needs to listen to the words.
Jess just made dinner. You know what’s awesome. Curry. It may be time for a nap soon.

Monday 2 September 2013

Tuesday September 2nd. 6:01pm EST

in Brooklyn with Nathan. . . seems like an eternity ago

These days the miles seem to fly by as fast as the time and it's a chore sometimes to keep up. Your mind gets a bit crazy at times.

We just pulled into Atlanta and crossed the 26,000 domestic mile mark on the way(the last UK/Europe trip was an additional 7,000 miles). 10 1/2 months, 38 states, 6 countries, two traffic tickets, and and Lord knows how many bags of dry roasted peanuts. The food co-op in Boise is still awesome but the salt bar at the co-op in Mt. Vernon, Washington is amazing. I mean really, 20 different salts to choose from. The breakfast bar at the co-op in Putney, Vermont will always hold a close place to my heart but JD McCliment might be part of that scenario. JD is an incredible individual. The bookstore in Bushwick with the wine/beer bar and Tom Bianchi's open mic every Monday at the Lizard Lounge in Boston are both giants in their own right. Laurence Scudder, Jon Wigg, Trevor Krieger, Ariel can that many amazing fiddle players exist? Hummus, I love you. The taco truck in Storm Lake, Iowa is fabulous. Maybe not as great as the taco truck in Bushwick where the lady working hated me for not being able to read the menu but still pretty fantastic. Oh wait, that taco truck in Eugene, Oregon where we had a killer meal for $4! That may have been so great partly because we were flat broke but I think it was still pretty good. I can only assume that cop in Avondale Estates, Georgia is still an unhappy schmuck. Pueblo, Colorado is dismal. Poor Old Shine, you guys are great. That new Jason Isbell record is &*#%ing unreal. Really.

Arkansas and Pope made for one of the best weekends I can recall in recent memory.


with Ben Bedford in St. Louis
When we left Atlanta back in February Dan gave me a Dire Straits tape because we had a cassette player in the Previa and I'll be damned if I don't still listen to it at least 3 times a week. Sometimes more. A lot more. In fact, as I'm writing this I have a Mark Knopfler mix going on Youtube. Perhaps to enhance your reading pleasure you should do the same. When the solo at the end of Telegraph Road comes...turn it up.

 We've been all over the U.S. in the last 6 months and it's been great. Daunting at times and often a bit overwhelming but overall, it's been a great trip. Recently we were in Fayetteville, Arkansas for the Roots Festival. Oh, it was also 98 degrees with about 80% humidity. The first night at the Greenhouse Grill I met John Fullbright and his manager Greg who are both wonderful guys. The next day just before my set at the Walton Arts Center I met Jerry Douglas in the hallway! Luckily I had my Kenny Rogers t-shirt on so the ice breaking part went super well. Chris Plowman (and his lady Jennie. . .and their cat, Olive) met us for the festival and after we finished our shows we headed to his moms house out in the Ozarks for some down time. We had a few fires, built some saw horses, glazed the windows and I even got to climb a ladder about 30 feet in the air and sweep the chimney. Did I mention heights without any kind of guard rail scare the hell out of me?

 We also met Pope. Not the Pope.....Pope. Pope is the executive and founder of Windemere which is the homestead Chris's mom, Tina, lives on. Windemere doesn't allow bad shit. Bad vibes, toxins, GMO's, pesticides, TV, drugs or alcohol. We did get a waiver for the latter as it was an event with Chris coming home and his sister making a surprise visit. Pope even had a beer. Pope is an old soul, wise in the ways of wisdom, knowledge, and also in people. He taught me a lot in a really short time.
Jess & Jennie swimmin' in a river in Arkansas

 I need to be in Switzerland in a few days and I have a months worth of work to do before so I'd best get my nose on the grindstone. Be nice, practice being better, listen to more Mark Knopfler and take care


p.s.'re growing on me. The last time I was in Omaha I was with Hayward Williams on a 3 band bill. David Rawlings and Gillian Welch were playing two blocks down so we all decided we'd each play two 30 minute sets as to each have an hour to go the David & Gillian show. There were 4 people at our show and one of them came to the stage during my set, took the microphone and started singing Toby Keith in the middle of one of my songs. This time was better.

p.p.s We went to Yellowstone National Park. Holy shit that was awesome.
Check out all the photos from the past year on Flickr!

Thursday 13 June 2013

Last week was a very busy week of shows in Minnesota. One of the highlights was playing a house concert with my good friend Blake Thomas. . . at Blake's house in Minneapolis. Here's one we recorded after everyone left:

for more new videos check out the youtube channel.
Also, I've been meaning to post these new podcasts with Dietrich Strause and Bethel Steele- the last of our "Boston trilogy" of podcasts.

Friday 19 April 2013

Live on Brattleboro Community Radio

Last week, in between Boston gigs, we spent a night up in Vermont and played at one of my favorite venues- JD McCliment's Pub in Putney. Before the gig we stopped by Brattleboro Community Radio for an interview. Here is a clip including a new song called "Learn to Fight." Hope you like it!

Wednesday 10 April 2013

We got Bushwicked!

Just a few observations from Brooklyn.
Brooklyn is a place of urban adventure. It's kind of a cross between Grand Theft Auto and the Lion King with a touch of Coming to America on the side. I was happy to notice that there were still folks in certain parts of the borough who maintain the tiny dog in a handbag look. It's clearly the thing to do so I got to thinking of how I might pull of the same look but do it in my own traveling, worldly conscious, kind of way. What I came up with was perhaps a neutered/spayed rescue pitbull in an old CVS shopping cart. This way I could not only carry my canine attache but also my guitar and my fresh from a street vender vegetables. The CVS cart would come from the killer junk shop across the street from Pearls which I heard about but was never able to go into due to the rotating and ever changing opening time that I just couldn't ever quite pin down. Until of course that one perfect day where everything just came together. I would then write a how-to on how everything came together, put a mustache on it and sell it to the hipsters in Williamsburg.

St Patty's Day with Jon, Jim Greene and Taylor Floreth
Our time in Brooklyn was fantastic and in typical NYC fashion, even though you don't think you're very busy...whoosh a month goes by and you're left to wonder...where does the time go? That seems like a song doesn't it? I was incredibly fortunate to hook up with my very good friend John LaDeau for a few shows this time around. One at the wonderful Jalopy Theatre which was certainly one of the best shows of the month. I also met a new favorite, Jan Bell, where she hosted a great night of music not only at the 68 Jay Street but also at the Superfine. The Superfine show was with a quartet on St. Patrick's Day and it was the most un-St. Patty's Day show I could have ever imagined. There was no green beer, no green shirts, no bangers and mash, and no party. In other words it was absolutely perfect.
with Jon LaDeau at the Jalopy photo by: Jack Hirschorn

I was also able to spend a few days recording in Manhattan with Linus from Marques Bovre and the Evil Twins. We were able to hang out and spend a good deal of time getting some new songs down to tape as well as visiting the guitar store to play guitars neither of us could afford. We also were able to spend some time listening to Marques Bovre records and that was awesome. I'll be heading back to New York at the end of the month to wrap things up and opefully we'll have some of the new Manhattan sessions out soon!
How often does the train go by? So often, you won't even notice.

Bushwick was/is great. We were staying in Bushwick which has a lot of taco joints, taco carts, taco trucks, and tacos at about every bodega on every street corner you'll find. I may have eaten tacos for every meal for nearly a week and I was perfectly fine with that.  Bushwick is a great mix of the old neighborhood, with old brewery buildings and Polish immigrants, and the new with a nice wine joint here and there- but don't let the wine joints make you too sure you watch where you walk. There are a lot of dogs in Bushwick.
Bushwick by day

Thursday 14 March 2013

Get in the Van! Podcast

Last week I played a show in Bethlehem, PA with Milwaukee born-and-bred artist Peter Mulvey. If you're ever in Bethlehem, check out Godfrey Daniels- it's a fantastic venue that's been there, hosting great music, for 30 years.  After the show, Peter was kind enough to let us interview him for our new podcast: Get in the Van! The idea is that when we meet other traveling musicians on the road, we get them to hang out in our van for a while, answer some questions and play a song or two. Hope you enjoy it!

(You can also download the episode here)

Friday 22 February 2013

February 22, 2013 12:03p.m....a Friday.
We drove back from Knoxville, Tennessee this week after a house concert at the Harmony House with Katie Powderly and Red Shoes and Rosin. It was a great time filled with friends, dairy free George Dickel Tennessee Whiskey, and the most amazing Indian cabbage and potato dish I have ever had. I'm not kidding, this may have been one of the most incredible food things I have ever, ever, in my whole life consumed. Hands down. We also picked up a new air mattress as I know Brooklyn will find us longing for such luxuries.
Katie Powderly at the Harmony House

 But back to this cabbage...Dib made it, he's from Calcutta and it was his grandmothers recipe. His mother also roasted some traditional spices when she visited recently which he used and I'm sure that only made things better. We also had a great conversation about how food is a lot like music. The best kind are the ones that are passed down and continue a tradition, or story, or have some kind of meaning. Not something you can dig out of a book or find on any random shelf at a local market. That said I must admit to finding a strong resemblance between McDonalds or Rice-A-Roni and Justin Bieber or Kenny Chesney. Actually to be honest, even though I don't know him personally and would never consciously listen to his music again.... I like the Bieb more than Kenny Chesney.  I really can't deal with that dude. I mean, really, have you heard the Tequila song?

But more presently we're getting ready to head out to Davidson ,North Carolina for a show tonight at the Birdsnest. It's a converted old house and from what we hear is a great venue. Our friends Heather Mae and Bethel Steele gave us the heads up on this one when we played the Blue Plate Special with them in Knoxville last month. If you haven't heard of them, make sure to check them out. After Davidson, we'll head over to Raleigh to the Royal Bean....I'll let you know.

Sorry Sandy but we're going to drive slow and remain boring.
take care

Wednesday 6 February 2013

February, 6th 2013 Atlanta

It's been 5 months, 2 weeks, and 6 days since we gave up our apartment. That's an approximate savings of $6,435 dollars in rent, though I"ll spare you the approximate amount of money spent in fuel...we would have spent that anyway. Between the DeKalb Farmers Market, the Buford Highway Farmers Market, Earth Fare, and the Hong Kong Market the money spent just doesn't matter because after all, you need to eat. Also, contrary to popular belief, a free vehicle is never free. It's very similar to the hangover after a night of free just pay the tab later.

Recently we saw the Ryan Montbleau Band at Eddies Attic. Lyle Brewer plays lead guitar in the band. We've known Lyle since his tenure with Sarah Borges and the Broken Singles and since we saw him last, man oh man, the dude has exploded in his playing. We also saw Peter Mulvey at the Attic and he was great. I opened two shows for Eric Taylor! Then there was Brian Wiltsey, Bethel Steele, Heather Mae, Kelley McRae, The Hot Hearts, Marshall Seese, and Ben Brookes Belcher...the people we've seen playing music have been stunning. Absolutely one of the best parts of the trip so far. Looking forward to the upcoming shows with Kelley McRae, Peter Mulvey, Jeffrey Foucault, Jon Ladeau, Bethel Steele, and so many others makes me incredibley happy.

For the most part I think everything up to this point can be called a success. Though, I do have to go to court on Friday to see about getting out of a traffic ticket I was issued for apparently going the speed limit, driving straight, with a green light, through an intersection.  Or maybe it was the Wisconsin license plates? But who am I to argue with the traffic constable? I know I likely have a lot more friends than he does, and I enjoy things like making someones day better rather than worse....but who the heck am I? I'll just go hammer out a deal with the judge.
back in the Summer when we had an apartment, a band and a cat. . .

Next time we'll talk turkey and the ongoing necessity of playing the open mic.
till then, take care

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Floatin like a butterfly.

I feel like I'm dancing at the moment, but the stinging is happening too. We just came back to Atlanta after a 10 day tour to South Carolina, North Carolina, and Tennessee. Primarily Charleston, Columbia, Asheville, and Knoxville. We've also started a sticker montage on the back of the van in the shape of the USA and having just filled in 4 in the Southeast we're feeling quite accomplished. I've also now been part of a police interaction in both Georgia and South Carolina and I do declare that South Carolina wins in the gentlemen-like police dude category. That said, don't let me forget my court date in Dekalb County Court February 8th.

So we went to Charleston and it was 80 d#%& degrees ABOVE zero. I know this is awesome and I'm sorry to rub it in but having grown up in North Dakota and spent the last 10 years in Wisconsin I feel I have the right to be jubilant about a sunny 80 degree January day. We walked, we saw the Charleston, went kayaking in the Atlantic, went to the beach and played a pretty righteous show at a BBQ joint on Sullivan's Island. I've played many a show in clubs that leave the stench of stale beer and cigarettes lingering in your guitar case and I must say I prefer the glorious aroma of pork tacos to greet me the next day when I go to play. We also played the Awendaw Green. Don't ask any questions just Google it and go there as soon as you can. 52 Wednesdays a year you'll find some of the best music in the country, a wood fired oven making killer pizza, a grill, an oyster roast(oysters harvested that day) and it's only a $5 donation to get in. Oh, did I mention it's BYOB. Played with Caroline Aiken....that was pretty cool.

shucking oysters in Awendaw (more photos on flickr)

We were in Asheville last year about this time but it was windy, blizzard-ish, and cold. This time was far nicer and we had a few days to hang around. We also had far better accommodations than the Super 8 off I-40 . . . Jim and Elisa put on a fantastic house concert and we even had a sing-along. Also had an in-room fireplace and got to watch the Falcons not fly as well as the Ravens.
The Grove Park Inn in Asheville (we were gonna stay there, but it's a little shabby)

Knoxville. I think I could like me some Knoxville. WDVX hosts the Blue Plate Special and I'm so glad to have gotten in on the menu. Being Martin Luther King Day and the Presidential Inaguration I assumed it might be a slow lunch time concert in Tennessee....but I was waaaaay wrong. Not only did we meet Heather Mae and Bethel Steele (two enormously fine people, songwriters, and performers), but the show was wonderful. Oh, and the Girl Scouts were there with free cookie samples. Clearly, one of the best shows ever....right?
Heather and Bethel at the Blue Plate Special

Alright, getting ready to head to Alabama to open for Eric Taylor. Haven't seen him since the show in London at the Green Note. Then, we head to Nashville. Folks have been asking me since I was 8 years old if I was going to go to Nashville. Well, yes....I am.

Thursday 3 January 2013

the Dirty

It took a few days skillfully navigating around nearly a million potholes on lovely I-65, and then suffering a thousand teenage rodents who found it amusing to occupy every elevator of a 25 story hotel therefore making it nearly impossible to leave the restaurant which was conveniently located at the top. But we held firm, we stayed the course, we didn't hit any ceilings, we didn't fall over and ridiculous cliff and landed safely in Atlanta. The ATL. Hotlanta.  Or let's just call it's only about 50 degrees. 

It's been a couple of weeks since we returned from the UK/Europe and after the 3 hours of sleep in Amsterdam, the 1 1/2 hour wait in the security line, the 3 hour layover in London, the 8 1/2 hour flight back, 3 trips though security, the privilege of being "selected" for additional screening, the high school ladies ski team on their first trip to Colorado, a 5 hour layover in Minneapolis,  the extra unexpected night at the motel 6, and the nice little package from the Merseyside Police Dept. in Liverpool containing the speeding ticket for going 58 in a 50..... I think I'm ready to jump back in the whirlwind tonight. We'll be heading just north in the Georgia mountains to Dahlonaga for a short set at the Crimson Moon. Tonight and the next few shows are all at places which boast being former and current stomping grounds for some pretty well know folks. I'm in the land of John Mayer(not the Milwaukee John Mayer but the one who dates movie stars), the Indigo Girls(oh yes, I most certainly am familiar with their catalogue) and the Allman Brothers. 

The time off though has been nice as a few new songs have been working their way into the set and I think there may be a few more on the way. Which works out perfectly as in a couple of months we'll be in NYC and Linus from the Evil Twins has very graciously offered to help me get them to tape at his studio in Brooklyn.  Linus and I have been talking about this recording for quite a while now so it's awesome to have the time scheduled to record. I'll keep you all up on details as they come up. 

In the event ya'll(see, I'm almost a local) have some people down this way...give 'em a shout out and tell 'em to tell their friends. 
take care