Wednesday 10 June 2015

Now We Pho...And Pho-ing is Half the Battle.

Here we are in Frederick, MD at a Travelodge just off I-270. It's alright but the coffee is lousy. Managed to avoid the traffic on the Beltway coming out of DC yesterday which was nice after not avoiding it the day before. I'm always amazed at the level of horrible the DC traffic can plummet to. The good day continued when I found an old Yamaha guitar with a Baggs pickup in a pawn shop, which I'll likely go buy today just for the pickup...the guitar will end up in another pawn shop. In just a few days I'll be picking up a 1972 D-28 from Linus in NYC and it will be nice to get it stage ready straight away. Some may follow Facebook posts but for anyone who doesn't I'm going to give my old Gibson some time off. After a stage diving stunt it tried to attempt in the UK there seems to be a rattle and some tuning issues.

Being in Frederick meant Pho at the Lucky Corner last night before the show thanks to a fabulous recommendation from Katie Powderly last year. One day I just might open a Pho joint. Our slogan will be "Now we Pho, and Pho-ing is half the battle".  If you ever watched GI Joe, you know what I'm talking about. There was as impressive storm that rolled in and out during the Pho but it didn't stay too long and therefore our return to the Previa was a dry one. Mostly.

The Brewers Alley showcase is always a fun night. Many thanks to Rod Deacey, Ron Goad, and Todd Walker for keeping a Monday night gig running. The storm that rolled in during dinner last night was long gone by the time showtime arrived but an hour into the evening, the lights went out. Reminded me of a time in Ireland when lighting struck a large metal pole just outside the venue and out came the candles. The show must go on though.

Today we'll head north for a couple days off. We'd planned to do some camping but it looks like the weather is going to get in the way once again. Air B&B it'll be.

Over and out.